"The officers shall say to the people: ‘Has anyone built a house and not dedicated it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else may dedicate it. Has anyone planted a vineyard and not begun to enjoy it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else may enjoy it. Has anyone become pledged to a woman and not married her? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else marry her.’ Then the officers shall add, ‘Is any man afraid or faint-hearted? Let him go home so that his brothers will not become disheartened too.’" [Deuteronomy 20:5-8]
These verses give us specific information about military
service in the Hebrew republic. There are four classes of men (note that all
the references are to men, none to women) who may not serve in the Hebrew army:
1. Those who have a new house;
2. Those who have a new vineyard;
3. Those who have a fiancée; and
4. Those who are afraid.
Some commentators have interpreted this passage to mean that
those four classes of men were not compelled to serve as were all the other
men, but that they might serve if they so wished, in a manner much like the
exemption system that has characterized the draft in this country in this
century. That is an impossible interpretation for at least two reasons. First,
it contradicts the meaning of the verses we have already studied which
demonstrate that there was no draft in the Hebrew republic. Second, the
pertinent verbs are in the imperative mood. The officers are not commanded to
say, You may leave if you wish. They are commanded to say, Go home! The four
classes of men were prohibited from volunteering for military service, not
exempted from a draft. They could not serve if they wished to.
It is interesting to note why. In the case of the first
three classes, we are explicitly told that the private interest of these men to
enjoy their new homes, vineyards, and wives is superior to the public interest
of the nation. That statement should give pause to those who believe that
everybody owes a legally enforceable “debt” to his country. The Bible
explicitly says that the enjoyment of these domestic pleasures is more
important than the public interest. This is all the more striking when one
recalls that Israel was God’s chosen nation, and the wars on which they were
about to engage were holy wars conquering the Promised Land and executing God’s
judgment. If private interests were superior to the public interest in that
situation, then they are all the more so today when no nation is God’s chosen
nation, no holy wars are being fought, and no Promised Land is being conquered.
A study of the fourth and last class of men is even more
instructive. First, unlike the first three classes mentioned, these men were
sent home not for their own pleasure, but because their presence in the army
would undermine the morale of the troops. Second, the criteria that distinguish
the first three classes are somewhat objective criteria, but the criterion for
membership in the last class is completely subjective. It could easily be
determined who had a new home, a new vineyard, or a fiancée. But the membership
of the last class, the timid, could be determined by no one except the
individual himself. Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that we have
totally misunderstood all the verses we have studied so far and that there was
or at least could have been a draft in the Hebrew republic. In that case, this
last class of men alone would destroy that possibility, for it is impossible to
draft anyone when the potential draftee is made the sole judge of whether or
not he is ineligible for service. Military service that precludes the service
of the timid must, of necessity, be voluntary. Note also that the timid may not
be forced to perform alternative service, i.e., there was no national
service or conscientious objector status. He, like the members of the other
three classes, was commanded to go home, not to carry bedpans or plant trees in
the young adult conservation corps.
In his commentary on this passage Calvin writes: “God will
not have more required from anyone than he is disposed to bear..... [T]he lazy
and timid were sent home, that the Israelites might learn that none were to be
pressed beyond their ability; and this also depends upon that rule of equity
which dictates that we should abstain from all unjust oppression.”
John W. Robbins, "The Bible and the Draft," The Trinity Review, ed. John W. Robbins, May, June 1980 (2003): 3, 4. Retrieved July 9, 2014 from http://www.theonomyresources.com/pdfs/Bible-and-the-Draft-John-Robbins.pdf
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