6. Whatsoever Minister shall neglect his time of prayer, except a lawfull occasion hinders him, he shall for every time being absent, pay half a moneth's pay.
7. Whatsoever Souldier shall neglect the time of prayer, and is there-of advised by his Captain, he shall lie in prison 24 hours, except a law-full occasion hindered.
10. All Merchants and sellers of commodities whatsoever, so soon as they hear the Token or call to bee given, shall immediately shut up their doors, and so keep them during the said time of Prayer and Sermon; they that presume in that season to sell any thing, shall make forfeit of all things so sold, whereof the one half to goe to the Generall, and the other halfe to the next Hospitall; over and above which, the offender shall for one whole day be put in prison'.
11. All drinkings and feastings shall in the time of Prayer bee given over, upon pain of punishment, as is before mentioned in the seventh Article; if any Souldier herein offends, he shall forfeit half his week's pay to the poor; and if he be an Officer, hee shall forfeit what shall be awarded.
-- The Swedish Discipline of 1632 (articles of war authorized by Gustavus Adolphus)
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